House and Indoor Plants
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View our range of hand picked, high quality indoor Bonsai trees from around the world. Many different species, sizes and shapes available to start or add to your collection, plus all the essentials you'll need to grow and maintain a healthy Bonsai tree.
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Elevate your living spaces with the natural charm of houseplants, an ideal addition to your kitchen and living areas. Houseplants not only make your home inviting, houseplants can also act as a natural air purifier to create a more healthier environment.
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We're a family run, RHS Gold Medal-winning nursery specialising in rare and unusual succulents, as well as the creation of our own hybrids. Explore our collection online of Aeonium, Echeveria, Crassula, Pachyphytum & Sedum, plus a selection of Terrariums.
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